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How To Request Videos

Learn how to request (and receive!) marketing videos to use in your Facebook and Instagram direct response marketing.

Brady Flynn avatar
Written by Brady Flynn
Updated over a week ago

Conversion-optimized marketing videos are the now and the future of advertising on Facebook. Primer is here to provide you with a consistent pipeline of marketing videos for your Facebook efforts. Always mobile-first and designed to deliver return on ad spend.

To request a batch of videos, first navigate to "Video Requests" in the left-hand navigation.

Then click "Create video request".


Name your batch of videos. Choose a short name that describes the theme of your videos, or what's different about these videos.

Number of Variations

Select a number of variations. 3 is selected by default.

The first 3 seconds of a video often decides how well it will perform. So we recommend you stick with 3 variations of each video request. This empowers you to test 3 different intros of each video, increasing the chance that any video idea will succeed.


Use the description to communicate your vision to your video editor. Tell them what you are picturing for the video.

How is this campaign different than previous videos or images you have tested? Why will this resonate with your best customers? How does it remind them of their urgent need and tell a story of how your product is the best way to satisfy it?

Description Best Practices

  1. Be specific and err on the side of too much information. The more you tell your editor, the more likely they'll create videos that match your goals.

  2. What customer problem is this trying to solve? This is the money question. Answer this and we will make a video that visualizes your offering as the solution to that problem.

Shared Media Files

Share files with your video editor. Include specific footage, images and other media you want included in these marketing videos.

When you fill out the frames below, we recommend you write down the media file(s) you'd like to use on a frame.

Note that your logo files should already be shared in the command center, but feel free to add duplicates or alternate variations if you'd like.

Best Practices when sharing media:

  1. Share footage without music

  2. If UGC or a testimonial video, DO include the audio of the person speaking

  3. Share the highest resolution file you have. Anything less than 720px is likely to look pixelated in Facebook ads.

  4. Start your videos with moving footage. It grabs the eye better than starting a video with static images.

Video Script

Each "frame" is a 2-3 second portion of a marketing video. It combines the text and creative description. Together, the frames tell a larger marketing story to your prospects. Our team will use this as a foundation to build out your marketing videos designed to convert.

We recommend a max of 35 characters per frame to keep it punchy and easy to read.

If you would like us to use a specific video or image within a frame, please reference the name of that file in the creative description.

Frames should be fun and easy to write out. Try to only have one sentence or part of a sentence per frame.

Facebook marketing videos work best when you jump to different footage/videos and different text every 2-3 seconds. Rather than writing one long statement on a frame, break it out into 3-4 frames.

Primer will try to follow your frames, but may make changes to improve the overall success of the video.

Video Script/Frames Best Practices

  1. Keep frames short and sweet

  2. If you have writer's block, try writing out frames as a bulleted outline in GDocs or MSWord. Frames should almost look like a bulleted list.

  3. Grab attention in your first frame

  4. Break out long sentences....

  5. into multiple frames to....

  6. make them easy to read and....

  7. keep curiosity high πŸ˜‰

Video Notes

Any other thoughts on the video? Is there a specific event or reason for the video? Is there something you usually do in videos that you don't want to do this time? Something new you'd like to try?

Tell us any other info you'd like the Primer team of marketing strategist and video editor to know before they create your videos.

Submit Request...

Double check your request one last time, then submit your request!

Primer will be notified that you submitted the request and we'll let you know as soon as we start on your videos!

Now sit back and relax knowing you'll be scaling your growth and dropping CACs in a matter of days πŸ–πŸΉπŸ˜Ž

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